Wednesday, 31 January 2018

Country's finest villages in Italy

The finest village Civita di Bagnoregio
A few minutes  drive 
it is an enchanting meeting 
with "The city that dies"
The finest village Civita di Bagnoregio
Civita di Bagnoregio - the city that dies
But today, more than ever before, this ancient town situated  on a tufo outcrop, destined to die a few years ago, lives. It lives among humble dwellings and patronal òpalaces of rough stone, in a silence interrupted only by the rustling of the birds and the echo of the wind. A bridge connects Bagnoregio and Civita and allows the few remaining inhabitants to reach their homes on donkeys. To visit:  the San Donato Cathedral , the Renaissance palace Mazzochi-Alemanni transformed into a Geological Museum.

Twice a year, in the square of Civita, in June and September, 
there is the  traditional "Tonna" donkey race.
The special offer : 
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only for direct booking: mailto:
The discount period:  3.6. – 7.7.2018
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Phone: +39-340.7128.109

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