Monday, 13 January 2020

Volcanic landscapes in Lazio

Amazing Nature of Lazio
Canoeing at Lake Vico
#Canoeing at lake Vico
Natural Reserve of Lake Vico
Natural #environment of Lazio

The Sunset at #Lake Vico
It is the most typical, most true Lazio built in the tuff. With the first imprint of the Etruscan. 
And after - Romans. The hilly landscapes, marked by sudden ravines; the kingdom of exclusive animals such as porcupines and wild cats, short-toed eagles and sea jays.
Thermal sulphur waters in Viterbo
Sulphur spring waters
Among the best known views
#Caprarola  the hamlet ner Rome
are those of the park of the city of Sutri on the Via Cassia, with an extraordinary Roman amphitheater dug out of the tuff, or those of the natural reserve of Lake Vico or of the large parks of the Castelli Romani, Veio and Bracciano - Martignano.

The #Etruscan in Lazio
Nature plays a starring role here: gorges and sulphurous springs, "ghost" cities, lakes within the craters of ancient volcanoes. In addition to hosting a rich biodiversity of plants, animals and ecosystems, the protected areas of Lazio also protect unique and surprising landscapes.

 on the green slopes of lake Vico 
is nestled 
the Country Resort 

Holiday sport and sightseeing of Rome
#VillaLaPaiola  at lake Vico
The most panoramic Suites with
 weekly Special Offer ,
catch right now !